Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Reggie is ready to Rant 'n Rave!


Morning television is a diversion which I dial in and out of with regularity. As a non-morning person, early morning chatter mostly just hurts my entire being.

Occasionally, a tiny nugget will register and be worthy of closer inspection. This happened the other day and I do wonder if it has credence.

Have you seen or heard of music being used to calm pets?

There are many on this bandwagon and something called, Through a Dog's Ear, wants us to believe it.

Doing a bit (didn't knock myself out, to be honest) of research, I discovered there is quite a lot of animal (even horses) calming tunes to be had (some are gonna cost ya, but some are free on YouTube).

Evidently, the most devilish of pets will settle down and behave like little angels if put in hearing distance of certain musical strains.

Classical seems to be the order of the day, but I gotta tell you that listening to some of this stuff had ME feeling like barking and howling for the moon.

If I had a zany type pet, I would give it a go.

But, the pets I know don't really seem to need special music to behave like little angels (yes, they can be devilish here and there...nothing is perfect).

Here is a sample for YOUR ears.


My jury is still out, but this clip is much better than some I listened to.

What do YOU think? A rave for your pet?


  1. Actually, I'm raving because I not only like the pics in this blog, I like the music to calm pets. It worked very well on me, don't know the meaning there but good music is good music.

  2. Hahah I love that pic of crooks and reg
