Friday, March 16, 2012


Let's rant...

Those who know me understand my shopping addictions. It is lifelong and I enjoy it, immensely.

However, I am inept when it comes to selling my own stuff. Terrible.

So, after tons of aggravation, pulling Gaz into the operation, I proudly announce my VERY FIRST item is up for sale on eBay.

What you ask, is said item?

Here it Cavi's very first dog collar. It's Louis Vuitton (authentic code is stamped inside, so there), and I am letting it go (maybe, if it really sells). I tend to give-away/donate, so selling my personal items is difficult. I'll let you know what happens with my first endeavor into eBay-land.

UPDATE...dining room chairs are covered and it wasn't so bad.

Of course, I drafted Gaz, Britt and our Cavi-Girl into the process. Done in one evening, thank you very much.

Ta-Da...the end result!! A rave? Probably not a queen of furniture re-do, but don't judge me too harshly, please.

Now, get one over to eBay and bid on that little dog collar. I don't care if you don't even have a little dog!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Let's rant...

and it is just gonna be random.

*Saw a bumper sticker on a truck that said..."I love my wife."

It is not for me to judge (sort of am) a person, but don't you put things like...II love my dog, cat, fish, snake, etc."



*A Psychic handed me her card in the Publix parking lot today. I don't believe in that stuff, but to each their own. However, why do they always drive crummy cars and never seem to win the Lottery? Just wondering. Her card was 86'd, pronto.

*Some boutique shop owner showed me her portable, purse-size, stapler, like I needed one. Well, in her defense I did carry a rather large roll of upholstery fabric (more on that) into her establishment.

*I purchased fabric at JoAnn's today. I loathe the whole idea of crafting, sewing and so forth, so I was deer-in-headlights with all of it. The manager (a man looking like an NFL player), sniffed and sized me up quickly when I asked for assistance on estimating fabric amount. He had the audacity to ask the measurements of the project. Measurements? Can't you just eyeball the stuff? I did, so we'll see out it works out. The singe of the side-eye he threw my way is still burning into my back.

*Brittany interrupted the new skin regime, so no updates on the effectiveness of the Olay treatment. However, her face is clear at the moment. Instant cure? Miracle of the universe? Simply cleansing with the old-fashioned, Neutrogena? No idea, but I think the Warhol-ized mug shot speaks volumes.

*I think I can upholster the six dining room chairs myself. Why? Because I'm the eternal optimist. Or, an idiot. Optimistic idiot. Yeah, that's it. But, you see I have my screwdriver and am ready to go.

Still, who am I kidding, I have always subscribed to the notion that one should let the trained professionals do their job and just step out of their way.

Will my DIY (Do-It-Yourself, in case you don't watch HGTV) be divine and a fabulous rave? Will it be an epic-fail-rant?

Hm, maybe that Parking-Lot-Psychic was trying to tell me something! Like she could refer me to an excellent furniture guy/gal.

Stay-tuned for the final results and we will Rant or Rave!

Monday, March 12, 2012


Let's Rant...

Like unique, abstract art?

Check out original creations on Etsy by Gazmoolie and Vivienne-Britt.

Shop is now open for biz and we encourage window shopping.

Even if you like traditional, hope you will take a peek anyway.

Thanks for stopping by, virtually!!


Let's Rant...

Did the makers of Junior Mints learn nothing from Coca-Cola and the New Coke debacle?

You simply don't mess with the classics or you gonna have an angry mob on your hands.

Yep, I dipped my hands into a brand new box of Junior Mints (a classic, if ever there was one) and there they were...WHITE on the outside-CHOCOLATE centers.

What is the point of this absurdity?

Perhaps a ploy to launch a new ad campaign.


My rave?

They tasted exactly the same to me and that's not a bad thing.

Your thoughts?

Post 'em in the Comments section. Of course, you can be anonymous. I realize not everyone wants to admit their J-Mint addiction.