Friday, March 16, 2012


Let's rant...

Those who know me understand my shopping addictions. It is lifelong and I enjoy it, immensely.

However, I am inept when it comes to selling my own stuff. Terrible.

So, after tons of aggravation, pulling Gaz into the operation, I proudly announce my VERY FIRST item is up for sale on eBay.

What you ask, is said item?

Here it Cavi's very first dog collar. It's Louis Vuitton (authentic code is stamped inside, so there), and I am letting it go (maybe, if it really sells). I tend to give-away/donate, so selling my personal items is difficult. I'll let you know what happens with my first endeavor into eBay-land.

UPDATE...dining room chairs are covered and it wasn't so bad.

Of course, I drafted Gaz, Britt and our Cavi-Girl into the process. Done in one evening, thank you very much.

Ta-Da...the end result!! A rave? Probably not a queen of furniture re-do, but don't judge me too harshly, please.

Now, get one over to eBay and bid on that little dog collar. I don't care if you don't even have a little dog!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Let's rant...

and it is just gonna be random.

*Saw a bumper sticker on a truck that said..."I love my wife."

It is not for me to judge (sort of am) a person, but don't you put things like...II love my dog, cat, fish, snake, etc."



*A Psychic handed me her card in the Publix parking lot today. I don't believe in that stuff, but to each their own. However, why do they always drive crummy cars and never seem to win the Lottery? Just wondering. Her card was 86'd, pronto.

*Some boutique shop owner showed me her portable, purse-size, stapler, like I needed one. Well, in her defense I did carry a rather large roll of upholstery fabric (more on that) into her establishment.

*I purchased fabric at JoAnn's today. I loathe the whole idea of crafting, sewing and so forth, so I was deer-in-headlights with all of it. The manager (a man looking like an NFL player), sniffed and sized me up quickly when I asked for assistance on estimating fabric amount. He had the audacity to ask the measurements of the project. Measurements? Can't you just eyeball the stuff? I did, so we'll see out it works out. The singe of the side-eye he threw my way is still burning into my back.

*Brittany interrupted the new skin regime, so no updates on the effectiveness of the Olay treatment. However, her face is clear at the moment. Instant cure? Miracle of the universe? Simply cleansing with the old-fashioned, Neutrogena? No idea, but I think the Warhol-ized mug shot speaks volumes.

*I think I can upholster the six dining room chairs myself. Why? Because I'm the eternal optimist. Or, an idiot. Optimistic idiot. Yeah, that's it. But, you see I have my screwdriver and am ready to go.

Still, who am I kidding, I have always subscribed to the notion that one should let the trained professionals do their job and just step out of their way.

Will my DIY (Do-It-Yourself, in case you don't watch HGTV) be divine and a fabulous rave? Will it be an epic-fail-rant?

Hm, maybe that Parking-Lot-Psychic was trying to tell me something! Like she could refer me to an excellent furniture guy/gal.

Stay-tuned for the final results and we will Rant or Rave!

Monday, March 12, 2012


Let's Rant...

Like unique, abstract art?

Check out original creations on Etsy by Gazmoolie and Vivienne-Britt.

Shop is now open for biz and we encourage window shopping.

Even if you like traditional, hope you will take a peek anyway.

Thanks for stopping by, virtually!!


Let's Rant...

Did the makers of Junior Mints learn nothing from Coca-Cola and the New Coke debacle?

You simply don't mess with the classics or you gonna have an angry mob on your hands.

Yep, I dipped my hands into a brand new box of Junior Mints (a classic, if ever there was one) and there they were...WHITE on the outside-CHOCOLATE centers.

What is the point of this absurdity?

Perhaps a ploy to launch a new ad campaign.


My rave?

They tasted exactly the same to me and that's not a bad thing.

Your thoughts?

Post 'em in the Comments section. Of course, you can be anonymous. I realize not everyone wants to admit their J-Mint addiction.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Let's Rant...

about, Pamela Druckerman and her little book, Bringing Up Bebe.

She seems to be of the opinion children should be raised,Eiffel-Tower-Style.

Oh, those French. Must they be sublime in everything?

Gourmet food.



Now, it's parenting.

But, I'm going to STOP.


Because, oui, I believe she has a valid argument. Honestly.

WAY back in the days of parenting my own child, I greatly admired the European style of parenting. And, I tried, mightily, to embrace and utilize what seemed to work for them. Plus, I tossed in many things my own, old-fashioned, parents brought down upon my head as a child.

Here are a few...

*Restricting toys to ONE area of household (this rule is flexible,somewhat, but the entire home should not be covered in toys).
*Encouraging baby/child to TRY a bite of everything on his/her plate.
*Keeping snacks to a minimum (Cheerios, here and there, but eating is for mealtime).
*Strongly encouraging the use of; Please, Thank You, Hello, Good-Bye (at the least).
*Less than constant stimulation (even a baby needs time to themselves without parental hovering).
*Giving the baby time to cry a bit before rushing in (this is difficult).
*Allowing children to explore things for themselves, a bit. Not structuring EVERY minute of EVERY day.

Basically, ADULTS are in charge...allowing children to be...children; with rules, consequences and rewards.


To beautiful and well-behaved children and their parents, who take the time (genuine, quality time) and make an honest effort to help launch well-adjusted adults into the universe.

And, to Pammie and her little book!

Rant 'n Rave in the COMMENTS!!

Thursday, February 23, 2012


Let's RANT about...




That IS the question.

So, are you a maker?

If not, are you of the opinion that one will simply have to unmake it at some point, so why bother?


Maker. Definitely.


Let me hear you RANT in the Comments...being Anonymous is totally cool.

Either's as the saying make (or not) your bed, not lie in it.

Follow on Twitter, PalmBBarkerHowl

Monday, February 20, 2012


Let's Rant...

about Britt's facial redness situation.

Heck, let's just call it what it is...a BREAKOUT.

We've asked for suggestions and got some beauts.

Oatmeal, Malt-o-Meal, breast milk; well, you know nothing that really helped.

Enter, Olay.

We're not going to sugarcoat it. These are red and annoying.

But, we are going to take you along, if you care to join, as she utilizes their Pro-X product and the resulting skin.

Here's what Olay claims...

"Consistently clear skin can be yours! Voted “Best Acne Treatment” in Allure 2011’s Best of Beauty Awards, Pro-X Clear Acne Protocol is a 3-step daily skin care regimen and acne system that is clinically shown to fight acne without harsh dryness. Guaranteed."

Stay with us!

Rant 'n Rave in the Comments section. You can be anonymous.

Follow on Twitter, PalmBBarkerHowl

Friday, February 17, 2012


Let's Rant...

about Pinterest!

Over the last several days I have been poking around that thing called, Pinterest.

Are you?

Have you?

Um, I am truly uncertain how I feel about creating yet another form of time-wasting.

But, is it?

I have no idea at this point, but Pinterest is being utilized in some fashion by over ten-million (that's right) unique visitors. There has to be something to it, right?

Someone I know who has a deep history in all things 'net, seems to think it COULD be a herd-mentality phenomenon (word-of-mouth, so we all rush to it and then rush away from just as quickly). Could be.

Perhaps I am missing something and you kids can help me out.

The way I see it (and I don't think it is Rocket Science) get invited or asked to be invited (I was asked, thank-you-very-much), you create an account, a board, add the PinIt button to your favorites and start combing the 'net for photos of junk you like/desire/will maybe get/will NEVER get, etc. You click on the photo and PinIt to your board.

You follow what others are doing (they seem to automatically have you follow others and them you, without a say by you) on their Boards and you can RePin and Like their photos.

Maybe it is because I am NOT a crafty person, never have been and never will be; but I'm iffy on Pinterest. It seems a tad like scrapbooking and I SHUDDER at the thought of that.

But, I am wondering if it is brillant or pointless? Fun or funky?

Maybe I just like to PINIT the old-school way...with real pins on foamcore.

Or, maybe I just don't think I'm interesting enough to have people RePin or Like my Likes. I will admit I am shallow enoough to be happy when someone RePins or Likes something I put out there (because even though I am still researching Pinterest, I AM grabbing only things I really enjoy).

Stay tuned and be sure to Rant 'n Rave in the Comments section!!

Follow on Twitter, PalmBBarkerHowl

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Let's RAVE...

For Zelda Kaplan, may she rest in peace.

She knew how to do it and DID it her way.

Sadly, we say Ciao to 95-year old Zelda who is now walking the catwalk in heaven.

Z left us in style.

Yesterday, while sitting in the front row (the ONLY row) at NYC's Fashion Week, she slumped over and that was how she went out of this world.

Cheers, Zelda...

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Let's RANT...

About how the fabulous, Meryl Streep...NEEDS A STYLIST!! Pronto.

Why in the name of all things, Rosalind Russell (look her up if you don't know) can not the greatest actress of this time (my humble opinion) jazz it UP a bit for these awards shows.


Please? I am begging you.

With all due respect, you tend to look like you were working in your garden, dashed inside for a quick shower and pulled something from your closet without bothering to put on those zany glasses you wear.

Meryl, do you know Tom Cruise?

If you do, give him a jingle and ask for Suri. That kid would fix you up in a jiffy. Have you SEEN her out and about with Katie? She looks better than you when she goes out for cupcakes.

I realize that some of these actress-types (using the term loosely for some) go WAY overboard, but Meryl, Meryl, MERYL-you have GOT to try a little bit harder.

Here are my tips (not worth the cyber-paper this blog is printed on).

*Brighten the make-up (blush and lipstick, in particular)
*Try a brighter color for the gown
*Try to find a gown that has some shape and style (they have to be out there)
*Do a LITTLE something special with the hair

We'll have our eyes on YOU and expect you to WOW us when you win another Oscar. Remember, you are representing women of a certain age...step up!

Let's RAVE...


That's it.

Follow on Twitter-PalmBBarkerHowl
Read me fictionally, The Bainbridges of the Palm Beaches

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Let's RANT...

The signs are everywhere of yet another manufactured holiday.

First of all, Turner Classic Movies has rolled out, An Affair To Remember. A huge hint.

Valentine's Day has jumped from the calendar and upon my vexed-self.

Didn't we just finish up with Halloween, Christmas and ringing in a spanking New Year?

Don't get me wrong, I love exchanging fabulous cards with my LOV-AH and if he just happens to toss in something sparkly, even better.

But, I have NEVER enjoyed being told what to do and when to do it and I ESPECIALLY do NOT appreciate that love should be put on a heart-pedestal on February 14. Saint, please!

There is some fun to be observed though all the madness. Yep, as I tried to buy groceries at the nearby Publix super market around 11:00 a.m., it was difficult. Brimming over with frantic (panic-stricken) looking male types and a few of the other gender, I steered my cart through them, grateful not to be one of them. Not that I'm judging. Okay, a little bit.

Anyway, it was madness and at the same time hilarious to witness.

Men, loaded down with flowers, balloons, candy, cards and an assortment of wine or champagne were scurrying as if their lives depended upon these grocery store purchases. Maybe it does.

Let's RAVE...

Even though I don't care for manufactured love-fests, my guy gets a RAVE for being a big, loving Valentine...all the time.

Go ahead. Judge me. I deserve it for being sappy and YES, I got a fabulous card and something sparkly to wear. Judge ON!

Put your heartfelt comments on V-Day in the Comments section below!
Follow on Twitter, PalmBBarkerHowl

Monday, February 13, 2012


Raring to Rant 'n Rave!

Time to RAVE...

The Norton Museum in West Palm Beach currently has an exhibit labeled, Cocktail Culture.

Basically, it's a collection of cocktail stuff (yeah, I'm technical).

I gawked in awe at exquisite evening attire, jewelry and mixology what-have-you (shakers, stemware,etc.).

It is a total RAVE!

But wait, there is a RANT. Oh, yes.

Why can't we spend SOME time being elegant these days?

Elegant is, well, elegant, right?

Let's all work together and be more of it, shall we?

I've already started as I coerced (not really) Gaz into purchasing that very, VERY groovy evening bag with a martini glass for me from the Norton Museum Gift Shop.

I'm ready to be elegant.

Won't you join me?

Post your opinion in elegant a RANT or a RAVE?


Friday, February 3, 2012


Reggie's RANT...

Reggie's Rant 'n Rave launch week has been super fun.

We've discussed some MAJOR (you be the judge on that)issues and learned, via Comments, that breast milk and Malt-o-Meal are probably good for skin eruptions and that Dressy Sweatpants should NOT be worn, ever, even though they have pockets and belt loops.

So, kudos on all THAT.

Everyone else is yapping on about that football game in Indiana or someplace in the middle of the map, but NOT Rant 'n Rave.


Have you seen the photos of ScarJo's (that actress) new arm candy (gals can have it too)?

Nate Naylor is his name and same are saying he's almost the most beautiful man to ever exist.

First, I think broad-stroke statements are just idiotic.

Most beautiful man?

Richest person in the world?

Most beautiful woman in the world (casting the quint-eye toward Jennifer Lopez and KNOWING there isn't and she isn't).

Is there really a BEST city in the world (who would know as it virtually impossible to visit EVERY city).

Well, you get my rant.

Good for People tabloid as they have managed to create upward circulation spirals with such issues, but it is still an idiotic analogy.

Here's the question for ya.

Does Nate Naylor rank at or near the top of MOST BEAUTIFUL MEN?

In the eye of the beholder, but before you cast your vote, cast an unbiased eye toward the young, James Garner.


There's no such thing as THE MOST...anything.


Chime in with your thoughts in the COMMENTS can be ANONYMOUS.

Stay tuned for more...Rant's n' Raves

Follow on Twitter-PalmBBarkerHowl (I'll follow you, IF you are as boring as I am)

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Reggie's RANT...

As if most men aren't challenged enough when it comes to being fashion-conscious and stylish...some nit-wit company called, Betabrand, comes along and dumps something called Dress-Pant Sweatpants for men into the foray.



This is the SAME company you can thank for Pajama Jeans, so there you go.

For the purpose of discussion, I offer you this regular pair of Sweats (which are bad enough).

Multiple sources have reported this, but according to Time News...Dress-Pant Sweatpants have made the scene and are exlusively for men (no woman in her right mind would WEAR them).

The French terry fabric does sound dreamy and they have pockets, zippers (no need to discuss the need for THOSE) and belt loops.

AND, they can be yours for the bargain price of $90.00.

If you are super excited about this for yourself or your special guy, flap your sweatsocks toward Chris Lindland, who unleased this nuttiness in 2010.

Not that it particularly matters, but Betabrand, an offbeat online clothier, is based in San Francisco (naturally) and claims to release a couple of new products per week (they really shouldn't).

One last disturbing Earl Gray Terry Blazer could be in the works (Betabrand, please let this be a rumor).

There is NO RAVE for this.

Would you wear or encourage your guy to wear these?


Follow on Twitter, PalmBBarkerHowl (we'll follow you back).

Stay tuned for more RANTS!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Reggie's ready to Rant 'n Rave!

Here's the RANT...

When someone is well into their twenties (not me, goes without saying) and are still battling annoying facial breakouts it is frustrating.

The eruptions are not huge and have nothing to do with "girly" issues and all common sense preventive measures have been taken.

What to do?

What to use?

The products and babble-speak on their merits are endless.

But, they haven't done the trick.

Reggie has no RAVE for this issue.

Any suggestions?

Post them in Comments and they will be reposted for further discussion.

Stay-tuned for more Ranting 'n Raving!


This new blog is rockin', because a reader wrote a RAVE!!

We are raving because she admitted that the dog music relaxed HER!!

Hoff-Girl...we will admit that it relaxed us too!

Here's her comment in case you missed it..

"Actually, I'm raving because I not only like the pics in this blog, I like the music to calm pets. It worked very well on me, don't know the meaning there but good music is good music."


Thanks for contributing, Hoff-Girl.

Now, stay tuned for the next Rant 'n Rave!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Reggie is ready to Rant 'n Rave!


Morning television is a diversion which I dial in and out of with regularity. As a non-morning person, early morning chatter mostly just hurts my entire being.

Occasionally, a tiny nugget will register and be worthy of closer inspection. This happened the other day and I do wonder if it has credence.

Have you seen or heard of music being used to calm pets?

There are many on this bandwagon and something called, Through a Dog's Ear, wants us to believe it.

Doing a bit (didn't knock myself out, to be honest) of research, I discovered there is quite a lot of animal (even horses) calming tunes to be had (some are gonna cost ya, but some are free on YouTube).

Evidently, the most devilish of pets will settle down and behave like little angels if put in hearing distance of certain musical strains.

Classical seems to be the order of the day, but I gotta tell you that listening to some of this stuff had ME feeling like barking and howling for the moon.

If I had a zany type pet, I would give it a go.

But, the pets I know don't really seem to need special music to behave like little angels (yes, they can be devilish here and there...nothing is perfect).

Here is a sample for YOUR ears.


My jury is still out, but this clip is much better than some I listened to.

What do YOU think? A rave for your pet?

Bitchin' Bloggin', Ranting ,Raving and Rating

Reggie here with a warm welcome as Reggie's Rating Radar launches today.

That silence you hear is the Planet Earth not giving a tiny rat's ass.

As that has never stopped me before, why listen to the sounds of silence at this point?

Blogging can be a bitch, but I like the agony of it all and continue to wait for Ecstasy to start dropping in to see what condition my condition is in.

This blog is, it is hoped, a platform for frank and honest discussions about life, love and the pursuit of happiness.

If not all that, then ranting and/or raving about whatever is on our, so-called, minds.

To kick it off, let me kick-start the shenanigans with a BRIEF RANT.

Arnold Palmer. The drink. You know, half-ice-tea and half-lemonade.

Well, feast your eyes upon the way it was served to be recently at a restaurant in Palm Beach Gardens called, Brio. The waiter slapped it down (after being asked repeatedly for the drink) in two parts...for me to mix.

Don't get me wrong, I do it all the time.


Never, and I mean NEVER have a server slammed down TWO glasses and said...well, he said nothing.

Fortunately, the top-tier manager of Brio was quick to act (after we went through the bottom-tier manager first) and quickly turned our rant into a raving-rate.

Anything like this happen to you?

More Rating Radar from Reggie, very soon!