Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Let's rant...

and it is just gonna be random.

*Saw a bumper sticker on a truck that said..."I love my wife."

It is not for me to judge (sort of am) a person, but don't you put things like...II love my dog, cat, fish, snake, etc."



*A Psychic handed me her card in the Publix parking lot today. I don't believe in that stuff, but to each their own. However, why do they always drive crummy cars and never seem to win the Lottery? Just wondering. Her card was 86'd, pronto.

*Some boutique shop owner showed me her portable, purse-size, stapler, like I needed one. Well, in her defense I did carry a rather large roll of upholstery fabric (more on that) into her establishment.

*I purchased fabric at JoAnn's today. I loathe the whole idea of crafting, sewing and so forth, so I was deer-in-headlights with all of it. The manager (a man looking like an NFL player), sniffed and sized me up quickly when I asked for assistance on estimating fabric amount. He had the audacity to ask the measurements of the project. Measurements? Can't you just eyeball the stuff? I did, so we'll see out it works out. The singe of the side-eye he threw my way is still burning into my back.

*Brittany interrupted the new skin regime, so no updates on the effectiveness of the Olay treatment. However, her face is clear at the moment. Instant cure? Miracle of the universe? Simply cleansing with the old-fashioned, Neutrogena? No idea, but I think the Warhol-ized mug shot speaks volumes.

*I think I can upholster the six dining room chairs myself. Why? Because I'm the eternal optimist. Or, an idiot. Optimistic idiot. Yeah, that's it. But, you see I have my screwdriver and am ready to go.

Still, who am I kidding, I have always subscribed to the notion that one should let the trained professionals do their job and just step out of their way.

Will my DIY (Do-It-Yourself, in case you don't watch HGTV) be divine and a fabulous rave? Will it be an epic-fail-rant?

Hm, maybe that Parking-Lot-Psychic was trying to tell me something! Like she could refer me to an excellent furniture guy/gal.

Stay-tuned for the final results and we will Rant or Rave!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE all of it!!! Where to start?!? :)

    Bumper sticker - I've pretty much convinced myself that the only way a man would put that sticker on his vehicle is if he had an infidelity and wanted to get back in his wife's good graces...because a bumper sticker always equals restored trust. It's an outlandish story of why it's there...but it's an outlandish bumper sticker!

    Psychic - Completely agree

    Stapler - If the purse fits, fill it! ;)

    JoAnn's - I've never actually been in there (big shocker, I know), but I get those same types of glances while trying to explain what I'm looking for to Hobby Lobby employees...granted my crafty vocabulary is quite limited, so it does make for quite the explanation. Some people craft, others buy their crafty creations...I'm one of the "others".

    Brittany - Cute snap of her...but aren't all snaps of her cute?!? Just saying!

    Chair Upholstery Project - I can't wait to hear how this project turns out...keep us posted!
