Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Reggie's ready to Rant 'n Rave!

Here's the RANT...

When someone is well into their twenties (not me, goes without saying) and are still battling annoying facial breakouts it is frustrating.

The eruptions are not huge and have nothing to do with "girly" issues and all common sense preventive measures have been taken.

What to do?

What to use?

The products and babble-speak on their merits are endless.

But, they haven't done the trick.

Reggie has no RAVE for this issue.

Any suggestions?

Post them in Comments and they will be reposted for further discussion.

Stay-tuned for more Ranting 'n Raving!


  1. What about oatmeal (regular old oatmeal) mixed with a little water. I did that quite a bit a hundred years ago, but it worked. It's not easy being a girl!!!!

  2. I bet the oatmeal would help with redness too, and I just so happen to have Oatmeal!

  3. Grits? Seriously? Don't encourage him!!

    Oatmeal is VILE to eat (I know it's super good for you), but I like the idea of slathering it on the face. Not a fancy, store-bought, mask...just the regular stuff, piled on the face.

    Seems it would soothe facial redness and I prefer the more natural approach.

    1. But wouldn't grits act like a loofa? I guess if that doesn't work, there's always good old Malt o'Meal.

  4. Malt O' Meal -- your ideas get better and better.

    Maybe the reply about oatmeal would consider grits - malt o' meal -nah don't think so. Me, I might try it tonight.

    1. Maybe try mixing all three -- oatmeal, grits and Malt o'Meal. If it doesn't work, at least you've got dinner ready!

    2. Now, that would be an interesting mix for your face or dinner for that matter. Not sure I've ever actually eaten Malt o'Meal (it's based in Northfield, MN though). Maybe you could add in some red Kool Aid - how many scoops of sugar again?

  5. Well, why not toss in, Chocolate Malt-o-Meal (do they still make that?)?

    1. As a matter of fact -- you can chocolate, original or maple and brown sugar. Yum!!!

  6. How do you know this little factoid???? Brown sugar for the face? Hm...

  7. As long as we're on the subject of food, breast milk works beautifully on my baby's skin. I haven't tried it on mine yet - but I should. I have a whole freezer full of milk maybe I could market that?!

  8. We men have it lucky. Just give us a can of shaving cream and a good razor. Zip. Zap. Done.

  9. IAll ideas sound interesting.....but I'll stick with oatmeal. unless it is in fudge

  10. Gerry, I like Bing...just because everyone else likes, Google!! I have to be a rebel. @Gretch...I ABSOLUTELY think you should market the breast milk as a facial remedy. I mean, think of started out as a solution for stretch marks and look where it is now. Personally, I love it! Get on will be RICH. It could be called, something dramatic. Tnink on that!! @B-Hoff, yes chocolate fudge...I want some NOW and they have a place in S Florida called, Hoffman's (really) that has FANTASTIC chocolate. Now, about those facial eruptions...

  11. Happened to me, too. In my case, it turned out to be mild rosacea. Avoiding the the sun helped, but not practical in south Florida. I cut gluten from my diet (for a variety of other health issues)and the bumps and redness disappeared. My best beauty product? *RAVE * RAVE * RAVE* is Organic Goats Milk Soap, which also contains naturally occurring apha hydroxies.
