Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Let's Rant...

about, Pamela Druckerman and her little book, Bringing Up Bebe.

She seems to be of the opinion children should be raised,Eiffel-Tower-Style.

Oh, those French. Must they be sublime in everything?

Gourmet food.



Now, it's parenting.

But, I'm going to STOP.


Because, oui, I believe she has a valid argument. Honestly.

WAY back in the days of parenting my own child, I greatly admired the European style of parenting. And, I tried, mightily, to embrace and utilize what seemed to work for them. Plus, I tossed in many things my own, old-fashioned, parents brought down upon my head as a child.

Here are a few...

*Restricting toys to ONE area of household (this rule is flexible,somewhat, but the entire home should not be covered in toys).
*Encouraging baby/child to TRY a bite of everything on his/her plate.
*Keeping snacks to a minimum (Cheerios, here and there, but eating is for mealtime).
*Strongly encouraging the use of; Please, Thank You, Hello, Good-Bye (at the least).
*Less than constant stimulation (even a baby needs time to themselves without parental hovering).
*Giving the baby time to cry a bit before rushing in (this is difficult).
*Allowing children to explore things for themselves, a bit. Not structuring EVERY minute of EVERY day.

Basically, ADULTS are in charge...allowing children to be...children; with rules, consequences and rewards.


To beautiful and well-behaved children and their parents, who take the time (genuine, quality time) and make an honest effort to help launch well-adjusted adults into the universe.

And, to Pammie and her little book!

Rant 'n Rave in the COMMENTS!!

1 comment:

  1. What's more impressive these days than to be out in public and observe some well-behaved children, or children (or adults for that matter) with good manners? You want to reward them with a gold star.
