Friday, February 17, 2012


Let's Rant...

about Pinterest!

Over the last several days I have been poking around that thing called, Pinterest.

Are you?

Have you?

Um, I am truly uncertain how I feel about creating yet another form of time-wasting.

But, is it?

I have no idea at this point, but Pinterest is being utilized in some fashion by over ten-million (that's right) unique visitors. There has to be something to it, right?

Someone I know who has a deep history in all things 'net, seems to think it COULD be a herd-mentality phenomenon (word-of-mouth, so we all rush to it and then rush away from just as quickly). Could be.

Perhaps I am missing something and you kids can help me out.

The way I see it (and I don't think it is Rocket Science) get invited or asked to be invited (I was asked, thank-you-very-much), you create an account, a board, add the PinIt button to your favorites and start combing the 'net for photos of junk you like/desire/will maybe get/will NEVER get, etc. You click on the photo and PinIt to your board.

You follow what others are doing (they seem to automatically have you follow others and them you, without a say by you) on their Boards and you can RePin and Like their photos.

Maybe it is because I am NOT a crafty person, never have been and never will be; but I'm iffy on Pinterest. It seems a tad like scrapbooking and I SHUDDER at the thought of that.

But, I am wondering if it is brillant or pointless? Fun or funky?

Maybe I just like to PINIT the old-school way...with real pins on foamcore.

Or, maybe I just don't think I'm interesting enough to have people RePin or Like my Likes. I will admit I am shallow enoough to be happy when someone RePins or Likes something I put out there (because even though I am still researching Pinterest, I AM grabbing only things I really enjoy).

Stay tuned and be sure to Rant 'n Rave in the Comments section!!

Follow on Twitter, PalmBBarkerHowl


  1. One thing for sure -- Facebook will have more spin-offs than the space program before it's all said and done. My problem is I don't want to have work so hard, or take the time, for all these social/sharing, this-and-that websites.

    But give the devil his due. They are very clever in pulling you into the tent. Underneath it all, it's a competition. How many "followers" do you have? How many times have your items been "re-pinned?"

    Hey, if it works, why not? But count me under P-uninterested.

    1. Love that term, P-uninterested. I agree, it IS a competition. Who is the most popular!! Some things just never change.
